
The following is a representative lising of publications from our laboratory. To download a complete listing of publications (in pdf form) click here.

Wolf, S., Deom, C.M., Beachy, R.N., and Lucas, W.J. (1989) Movement protein of tobacco mosaic virus modifies plasmodesmatal size exclusion limit. Science 246:377-379.
Robards, A.W. and Lucas, W.J. (1990) Plasmodesmata.   Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 41:369-419.
Wolf, S., Deom, C.M., Beachy, R.N., and Lucas, W.J. ( 1991) Plasmodesmatal function is probed using transgenic tobacco plants that express a virus movement protein. Plant Cell 3:593-604.
Ding, B., Haudenshield, J., Hull, R.J., Wolf, S., Beachy, R.N., and Lucas, W.J. (1992) Secondary plasmodesmata are specific sites of localization and function of the tobacco mosaic virus movement protein.   Plant Cell   4:915-928.
Ding, B., Haudenshield, J.S., Willmitzer, L., and Lucas, W.J. (1993) Development of secondary plasmodesmata is arrested in tobacco expressing a yeast derived invertase gene. Plant J.   4:179-189.
Lucas, W.J., Ding, B., and van der Schoot, C. (1993) Plasmodesmata and the supracellular nature of plants.   New Phytologist 125:435-476.
Fujiwara, T., Giesman-Cookmeyer, D., Ding, B., Lommel, S.A., Lucas, W.J. (1993) Cell-to-cell trafficking of macromolecules through plasmodesmata potentiated by the red clover necrotic mosaic virus movement protein. Plant Cell 5:1783-1794.
Noueiry, A.O., Lucas, W.J., and Gilbertson, R.L. (1994) Two Proteins of a plant DNA virus coordinate nuclear and plasmodesmal transport.   Cell 76:925-932.
Balachandran, S., Hull, R.J., Vaadia, Y., Wolf, S., and Lucas, W.J. (1995) Tobacco mosaic virus movement protein-induced change in carbon partitioning originates from the mesophyll and is independent of change in plasmodesmal size exclusion limit. Plant Cell & Environ. 18:1301-1310.
Lucas, W.J., Bouche-Pillon, S., Jackson, D.P., Nguyen, L., Baker, L., Ding, B., and Hake, S. (1995) Selective trafficking of KNOTTED1 and its mRNA through plant plasmodesmata. Science 270:1980-1983.
Gilbertson, R.L., and Lucas, W.J. (1996) How do plant viruses traffic on the `vascular highway'? Trends in Plant Sci. 1:260-268.
Balachandran, S., Xiang, Y., Schobert, C., Thompson, G.A., and Lucas, W.J. (1997) Phloem sap proteins of Cucurbita maxima and Ricinus communis have the capacity to traffic cell to cell through plasmodesmata. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94:14150-14155.
Jorgensen, R.A., Atkinson, R.G., Forster, R.L.S., and Lucas, W.J. (1998) An RNA-based information superhighway in plants. Science 279: 1486-1487.
Kragler, F., Monzer, J., Shash, K., Xoconostle-Cazares, B., and Lucas, W.J. (1998) Cell-to-cell transport of proteins: Requirement for unfolding and characterization of binding to a putative plasmodesmal receptor. Plant J. 15: 367-381.
Rojas, M.R., Noueiry, A.O., Lucas, W.J., and Gilbertson, R.L. (1998) Bean dwarf mosaic geminivirus movement proteins recognize DNA in a form- and size-specific manner. Cell 95: 105-113.
Xoconostle-Cázares, B. Xiang, Y., Ruiz-Medrano, R.,Wang, H.-L., Monzer, J., Yoo, B.-C., McFarland, K.C., Franceschi, V.R., and Lucas, W.J. (1999) Plant paralog to viral movement protein potentiates transport of mRNA into the phloem. Science 283:94-98.
Ruiz-Medrano, R., Xoconostle-Cázares, B. and Lucas, W.J. (1999) Phloem long-distance transport of CmNACP mRNA: implications for supracellular regulation in plants. Development 126: 4405-4419.
Kragler, F., Monzer, J., Xoconostle-Cázares, B., and Lucas, W.J. (2000) Peptide antagonists of the plasmodesmal macromolecular trafficking pathway. EMBO J . 19:2856-2868.
Lucas, W.J., Yoo, B.-C., and Kragler, F. (2001) RNA as a long-distance information macromolecule in plants.   Nature Rev. Cell Mol. Biol. 2:849-857.
Foster, T.M., Lough, T.J. Emerson, S.J., Lee, R.H., Bowman, J.L., Forster, R.L.S., and Lucas, W.J. (2002) A surveillance system regulates selective entry of RNA into the shoot apex. Plant Cell 14:1497-1508.
Haywood, V., Kragler, F., and Lucas, W.J. (2002) Plasmodesmata: Pathways for protein and ribonucleoprotein signaling. Plant Cell 14:S303-S325.
Aoki, K., Kragler, F., Xoconostle-Cázares, B., and Lucas, W.J. (2002) A subclass of plant heat shock cognate 70 chaperones carries a motif that facilitates trafficking through plasmodesmata. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99:16342-16347.
Lee, J.-Y., Yoo, B.-C., Rojas, M., Gomez Ospina, N., Staehelin, L.A., and Lucas, W.J. (2003) Selective trafficking of non-cell-autonomous proteins mediated by NtNCAPP1. Science 299:392-396.
Yoo, B.-C., Kragler, F., Varkonyi-Gasic, E., Haywood, V., Archer-Evans, S., Lee, Y.M., Lough, T.J., and Lucas, W.J. (2004) A systemic small RNA signaling system in plants. Plant Cell 16:1979-2000.
Lucas, W. J. and Lee, J.-Y. (2004). Plasmodesmata as a supracellular control network in plants. Nature Review Mol. Cell Biol. 5:712-726

Haywood, V., Yu, T.-S., Huang, N.-C. and Lucas, W. J. (2005). Phloem long-distance trafficking of GIBBERELLIC ACID INSENSITIVE  RNA regulates leaf development. Plant Journal 42:49-68.


Rojas, M. R., Hagan, C., Lucas, W. J., and Gilberston, R. L. (2005). Exploiting chinks in the plant’s armor: Evolution and emergence of geminiviruses. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 43: 361-394.

Lee, J.-Y., Taoka, K., Yoo, B.-C., Ben-Nissan, G., Kim, D.-J. and Lucas, W. J. (2005). Plasmodesmal-associated proein kinase in tobacco and Arabidopsis recognizes a subset of non-cell-autonomous proteins. Plant Cell 17:2817-2831.

Gilbertson, R. L., Rojas, M. R., and Lucas, W. J. (2005). Plasmodesmata and the phloem: conduits for local and long-distance signaling. Annual Plant Reviews 18:162-187.


Lucas, W. J. (2005). Plant viral movement proteins: Agents for cell-to-cell trafficking of viral genomes. Virology 344:169-184.


Lough, T. J. and Lucas, W. J. (2006). Integrative plant biology: role of phloem long-distance macromolecular trafficking. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 57:203-232.


Lough, T. J., Lee, R, H., Emerson, S. J.,  Forster, R. L. S. and Lucas, W. J. (2006). Functional analysis of the 5′ untranslated region of potexvirus RNA reveals a role in viral replication and cell-to-cell movement. Virology 351:455-465.


Seo, Y.-S., Rojas, M. R., Lee, J.-Y., Jeon, J.-S., Ronald, P., Lucas, W. J., and Gilbertson, R. L. (2006). A viral resistance gene from common bean functions across plant families and is up-regulated in a non-virus-specific manner. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 103:11856-11861.

Ruiz-Medrano, R. Moya, J.H. Xoconostle-Cázares, B., and Lucas, W.J. 2007. Influence of Cucumber mosaic virus infection on the mRNA population present in the phloem translocation stream of pumpkin plants. Functional Plant Biology 34:292-301.
Lin, M.-K., Belanger, H. Lee,Y.-J., Varkonyi-Gasic, E., Taoka, K.-I., Miura, E., Xoconostle-Cázares, B., Gendler, K., Jorgensen, R.A., Phinney, B., Lough T.J., and Lucas, W.J. 2007. FT protein may act as the long-distance florigenic signal in the cucurbits. Plant Cell 19:1488-1506.
Taoka, K.-I., Ham, B.-K., Xoconostle-Cázares, B., Rojas, M.R., and Lucas, W.J. 2007. Reciprocal phosphorylation and glycosylation recognition motifs control NCAPPl interaction with pumpkin phloem proteins and their cell-to-cell movement. Plant Cell 19:1866-1884.